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Our 2023 Swim Season practices will begin the first day after Memorial Day in which there is no school for NKCSD. As of today, Swimmers will practice Monday to Thursday each week.

We will be practicing at two different pools this Summer. Those two pools are the Willow Farms pool and the New Mark Brookings pool. See our planned schedule below.

Willow Farms Pool - Daily Schedule

7:30 - 8:30 am 8 and Under

8:40 - 9:40 am 11 - 12 year olds

New Mark Brookings Pool - Daily Schedule

7:45 - 8:45 am 9 - 10 year olds

8:50 - 9:50 am 13 - 18 year olds

10:00 - 10:30 am Rookies

***Weeks without meets may have a regular practices on Fridays. Any schedule changes will be sent to families in advance. Rookies do not practice on Fridays, but are welcome at Fun Swim.

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