
2023 Thank you & Feedback Form

Closing out the 2023 season with a thankful heart! Thank you parents for the rides to practice and working meets.  Thanks to our coaches for the time and attention you gave our swimmers.  Thank you to chair committees who went the extra mile to make all of our team events happen.  Thank you to Kayla Sheer for keeping us informed, Suzie Gillespie for paying the bills and Ashley Taber for making sure everything got done when it needed to be done.

We would love your feedback on the season and thoughts on next year!  click here feedback form

One more reminder: Last call for awards pick up at Brookings from 9:30-10:30 at Brookings, then porch pickup at 4518 NE 92st St.

Thank you again - I hope you all enjoyed the season as much as I did and that your kids loved swimming and being a Stingray!

See you next summer,


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