
What a Summer!

Happy Thursday, Stingrays!

What an awesome summer! It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the end of another successful swim season for the Stingrays! During our time together, we’ve watched all of our kiddos grow as swimmers, swim personal bests, break records (***see the attached for our Stingray Records that were broken this year), earn Team Large Division - 2nd Place in the Conference and the 2nd Place Spirit Award as a team last night, and most importantly, gain and foster friendships that will hopefully last forever.

All of this would not have been possible without our wonderfully, talented coaching staff. Coach Jack has done a fantastic job leading our Stingrays throughout the summer. We greatly appreciate his unending commitment to our Stingray family and for coming back to lead the charge once again. Alongside Coach Jack, our assistant coaches, Nick, Cassidy, Joe, Spencer, and Elise, demonstrated how a passion for swimming and a love for our kiddos can create a team atmosphere comparable to no other. Thank you to all of our Coaches for an amazing season!

It takes many volunteers to run a program as large as the Stingrays. Without you, the families of our swimmers, we would not be able to operate successfully each year. While I thank each of you, I would like to give a special “Thank You” to our Board of Directors - Laura, Suzie, Ashley, Stephanie, Jen, Sandra, and Lenny. Each of them have worked tirelessly this year to provide our Stingrays with the best possible summer swim season. As the president, I know in my heart, there is no possible way that our successes this season would have happened without them. They are a great team and I greatly appreciate all of their support, work, and love. Please make sure to thank them for all of their efforts this year as you see them out and about.

Lastly, I have greatly enjoyed my time as part of the Stingray Board. It has been an honor to help support all of our kiddos as they find joy in a sport that brings such happiness to my family.

Have a wonderful end of your Summer, best of luck as we begin a new school year, and I hope to see you all back as Stingrays again next May.



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