
IMPORTANT - Practice Changes for Next Week

Happy Thursday, Stingrays.

Swim season is almost here!  School is almost out!  So exciting!

Now with the outdoor season here, we count on the use of two great neighborhood pools - Willow Farms and New Mark Brookings. There is a lot of prep for the pool management to not only get their pools ready for their neighborhoods, but also for us.  We appreciate all their work.

Unfortunately, the New Mark Brookings pool is NOT ready for us to start on Tuesday. Thankfully, we have Willow Farms pool, however, we've had to adjust the daily schedule for next week.  Please take a look at the schedule below.  ALL practices will be at Willow Farms for the FIRST WEEK.

We understand that changes in schedules can be difficult, especially when prior plans have been made.  We apologize for this inconvenience.  If you have to miss practice or arrive late/leave early, we get it.  You can let the coaches know about your conflicts, if you feel necessary. [email protected]

***With this new schedule, we will also use an alternating daily schedule because we are attempting to help Willow Farms maintain open status during the first week of the season.

Here is how it will work:

Tuesday: All practices will be Dry Land - swimmers wear athletic clothing for out of pool activities. Don't forget water bottle and tennis shoes

Wednesday: 8 & Under, 11-12, and Rookies will be in the water -- 9-10 and 13-18 will be doing dry land activities

Thursday: 8 & Under, 11-12, and Rookies will be dry land activities -- 9-10 and 13-18 will be in the water

Friday: 8 & Under, 11-12, Rookies will be in the water -- 9-10 and 13-18 will be doing dry land activities

Thank you again for your understanding and flexibility with these changes.  We are hopeful that we will be back to Brookings during the second week of practices.  We will keep you posted as soon as we learn more.

Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend and we'll see you on Tuesday at Willow Farms.

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