
Urgent Need-Jobs For Prelims

Hello Parents,

Conference prelims start in a few hours and our team is still short volunteers for tonight.  The meet will not start without these jobs filled.  If you have a swimmer attending conference tonight, please consider taking one of these job spots.  

Still available is Safety Marshall 1st Half: this requires very little. You wear a safety vest and monitor the pool deck for anyone running, getting in the pool etc.
2nd Half Clerk of Course:  this is just a helper role, there are many clerks during conference and you are just helping to get swimmers in their correct chairs in our designated area.  
If you are willing to work one of these jobs tonight, it will go towards two (2) job shift requirements for next season.  Please call/text me at 513-850-3802F if you are willing to work tonight so we can move forward with the meet. 
Thank you,
Ashley Taber

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