
New Mark Summer Updates

New Mark Parents,

I hope you are all well and staying safe! My name is Noah Reid. I am the Head Coach of New Mark Stingrays. This email has a lot of information, some may apply to you and your kids and some may not but please read it all.

First day of practice

For the first day of practice swimmers need to come and be prepared to swim. This means, wearing their swim suit, goggles, cap (optional), towel and water bottle.

The first couple of weeks we may be doing some exercises outside of the pool to start practice to warm up, so please also bring appropriate clothes to wear over the top of your suits.

Rookie Assistants

I have made my rookie assistant selections so please lookout for a separate email from me.

Rookie Parents

My coaching staff and I are trying to put together groups of swimmers based upon how comfortable they are in the water. If you could fill out this brief form for us, that would be great: https://forms.gle/3HKWQFiY13bvMJy88

I look forward to hopefully meeting some of you at New Mark Willow Farms pool on Tuesday, May 18th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm for in-person registration.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Go Stingrays!

Noah Reid

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