
Welcome to the New Mark Swim Team Family

Can you believe that in less than two months our New Mark Stingrays will be stretching their wings in the water?

We are so excited about this upcoming Summer as the number of swimmers continues to grow each day. At last count, we have over 190 total swimmers ages 6-18 ready to call New Mark home.  

In the coming weeks, you will be receiving a few announcements and information in regards to practices, volunteer opportunities and requirements, swim meets, etc.  This information will not only be sent to you via email, but it will also be found on our website.  If you haven't had the chance to check out the site, take a minute by clicking here.

If you have not yet downloaded the Swimtopia App, please do so as it will provide you quick access of upcoming events and notifications.

Who needs new Stingray spirit wear?  Check out the link below for this year's spirit wear options.  This digital store will remain open for you until May 16th.  Don't miss out the opportunity to bring the Stingray Spirit.

New Mark Stingray Spirit Wear

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our board at [email protected].


Geoff Reno

New Mark Swim Team

Board President

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