
New Head Coach and Registration Information

Happy Thursday!

Welcome back, swimmers and families! I am Noah Reid, your head coach for the 2021 summer swim season. I am excited to return to New Mark and give back to where it all started for me. I am excited to get to work with each of you in the water, have some fun, and win some meets. We are planning to meet in mid-May (date TBD) so I can see all the familiar faces, meet new ones, and answer any questions you have.

I look forward to seeing and meeting you in May or at our first practice June 1st! Go Stingrays!

Additionally, registration will begin this Sunday (March 14th) for RETURNING New Mark Swimmers.  Currently, the registration tab will not be viewable, but will be present starting at 12pm on Sunday for registration.

I'm looking forward to the summer and being back as a part of the Stingray Family.



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